© Ingrid Benning 2024
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA - Manipura  Body Area The petals are just below the sternum, extending to the navel, the stem is in a corresponding position of the back. Affected areas are: the centre of the vegetative nervous system, upper belly with the inner organs of stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, and the lumbar region of the spine Exoteric Colour   Yellow Esoteric Colour   Gold, Rose Calming Fragrances Vetivert, Rose Stimulating Fragrances Bergamot, Ylang Ylang Material element   Fire Subtle body Astral body Sense organ Sight and seeing Organ of activity   Eyes and brain Developmental Age 8 to 12 years Gland Adrenals, Pancreas Astrological sign Aries Planet Mars Psychological qualities Self confidence, identity, personal will and power, courage to find a personal way between courage and impotence, Key Words Logic, opinion, reason, assimilation, psychic intuition Sound Mantra RAM Affirmation “I am self confident and find my own power” The solar plexus is the centre of the vegetative nervous system and  controls many automatic functions of our body, such as breathing, digestion,  elimination, heart functions, sleeping etc and is sometimes called our  second brain. It is also called the lower brain because through the  connections of the brainstem (see alter major) with other brain sections and  the spinal fluid, the solar plexus is also a coordinating point between the  unconscious and the conscious mind. Bringing unconscious feelings and  motives into the “light of consciousness”, we are asked to sharpen our will  and let our higher brain illuminate and eventually control negative thoughts,  speech and actions. In this way, one can also imagine it as a fuse-box with  a fast direct link to the Alter Major chakra and our ancient reptilian or lizard  brain. This always knows at once what to do in a fight or flight situation.  Instinct at the Root and Sacral shoots through the Solar plexus   and the Heart and becomes Intuition at the Brow Chakra.   Prayer  Through the gift of fire let reason, logic, opinion and assimilation become  truly linked to inspiration, so that we are not bound within limitation and  separation.