© Ingrid Benning 2024
ROOT CHAKRA - Muladhara Body Area Midway between anus and genitals, petals face downward and the stem faces upwards into the central column Exoteric Colour   Red   Esoteric  Colour   Brown, mauve Calming Fragrances  Cedarwood, Patchouli Stimulating Fragrances  Musk, Lavender, White Hyacinth Material element   Earth Sense organ  Sense of Smell Organ of activity   Feet and walking Developmental Age  0-3/5 years Gland Gonads, suprarenal gland and the hormones adrenalin and noradrenalin Astrological sign  Taurus Planet  Venus at present, probably Vulcan later Psychological qualities Trust, feeling safe and welcome on earth Key words Acceptance, Incarnation, self-preservation, concepts and rootedness Sound Mantra LAM Affirmation “I am safe, welcome and invited into life.” Prayer Through incarnation may spirit be brought into matter, through rootedness may life-force be recharged and exchanged. We acknowledge wholeness and seek to gain and to reflect acceptance. Notes on some Qualities and Key Words Acceptance – Incarnation and Trust If an acceptance of this incarnation has not lead to a deep trust in life and proper rootedness within the root chakra by the age of five, this can lead to problems in the secondary chakras of feet and legs in later years. From personal experience I know that few doctors will then be able to have an explanation or find suitable remedies for these painful physical symptoms. (App. Accept Healing Symbols) Feeling safe and welcome on Earth A reciprocal interaction exists between the base, root and sacral chakras.  Just as the base chakra is influenced by its surroundings, family circumstances, as well as feelings and decisions taken by the parents before the birth of their child, does all this have an influence.on the life situation during early childhood and the root and sacral chakras: Loving warmth, nurturing, peace and movement as well as regular meals result in a healthy development of these chakras on the physical and emotional levels. A lack of these aspects or even traumas at this stage will obviously result in a variety of problems in later life. (See notes on security at Sacral Chakra)