Colour and Myth I do not know whether it was clear to the builders of medieval cathedrals that the colours of our chakras look similar to the sunlight shining through the stained glass of their windows.  It is clear though that many people are fascinated until this day by the magical beauty of the coloured beams of light streaming into the darkness to illumine the inner sanctuary of the church. Knowledge about the chakras shows us therefore that our rainbow body is a Cathedral of Truth because it mirrors everything that moves our mind and soul. Throughout the ages, the rainbow has been a spiritual symbol in many civilisations: It stands as a covenant between God and humanity in the chapter Genesis (s. app.)  of the Christian Bible and it is central to the beliefs of original American Indian tribes. In an ancient poem they speak of the “Warriors of the Rainbow” (s. app.) ,  a tribe of people who will come from all cultures when the Earth is sick and the animals have disappeared to restore Mother Earth to its former beauty. Today there is not just one tribe but many groups are working in different parts of the world trying hard to repair the damage done to the environment.    In the ancient myth of Asgard (s. app.) , the home of the Norwegian Gods, the rainbow stands as a symbolic bridge, to be crossed by the Ego or sense of self in order to explore the relationship between light, matter and consciousness. In Indian mythology and the practice of Hatha Yoga (s. app.) , the Chakra colours of the human body are seen as the lower half of the rainbow which unites with the heavenly arc to become a circle for the task of transforming dense, physical matter into subtle spiritual energy. This is not hard to imagine: while observing the sparkling colours of a rainbow in the sky, we can envisage how the RED wave-frequency from the upper part of the rainbow flows through our Root Chakra at the base of the spine; the ORANGE streams through the Sacral Chakra, the YELLOW through the Solar Plexus, the pale GREEN through the heart, BLUE through the Throat Chakra and VIOLET at the Crown. The Indigo of the Brow Chakra is a very dark blue; it is a colour which we can hardly recognise in the rainbow and in nature may find a similar colour in aubergines or very ripe blackberries or elderberries. Colour and Light Even when they are wet, the colour pigments do not shine as brightly on the paper as the light flooded chakra colours. All the same, through the medium of water they have a strong influence on our body and emotions in their different frequencies. If we accept the sensations we experience while painting, they help us to recognise and comprehend the functions of the chakras and the natural law of resonance within ourselves. However, this can only come about if we accept the scientifically proven fact that all matter consists of vibrating energy: our planet earth as well as the elements and our bodies. Some of these energies swing in such high frequencies that they remain invisible to our eyes because they do not manifest in material form. Nevertheless, they do exist, just like the waves with which we receive radio sounds and see pictures on television. There are many complicated scientific diagrams on this subject but also a simple one by Vera Stanley Alder which shows the human reaction to these vibrations very well (see app.) It gives the following vibrations per second: for sounds between 16 and  33,000; for electricity 1000 million; for heat 200 billion and for light and colour 500 billion per second... and it is an amazing fact, that the tiny marvelous organ of the optic nerve of the human eye is able to register these fine vibrations and transfer them with the help of the pineal and pituitary glands (see app.) to the brain. It is just as wonderful that colours with their varying vibrations, from RED with the lowest up to VIOLET with the highest frequency, vibrate within and through our chakras. This way each chakra has its own function and together they form a subtle link between our body, mind and spirit and the natural environment. Colour and Science It is said that we do not yet possess the organs with which to comprehend the higher vibrations but I am convinced that our chakras are just that: If we focus on them, they enable us to sense their subtle vibrations.  The scientific process by which this takes place has yet to be explored but it probably happens through subtle motion of invisible light in similar, but different movements to the already known electro-magnetic, radio- and micro-waves. A fact is that it occurs quite naturally,  similar to the way in which our body continuously transforms material food and water automatically into subtle life-energy. We are indeed wonderful living energy-transformation-creatures: without fully understanding how, we are constantly changing food-atoms into energy-atoms with the help of our body. Since Albert Einstein proved, about 100 years ago, that all matter can be transformed into energy, his formula E=mc² has been accepted by physicists and science in general and has revolutionised many areas of modern life. It is used by countless professors and students with the aim of understanding and explaining the laws of physics and the exoteric world of the universe. Though it is debatable, how many of them give the wisdom of the inner, esoteric world of human beings just as much consideration in their work.   Although there is a trend in orthodox western medicine to accept such eastern treatments as acupuncture, herbal medicine and yoga for physical fitness, but the psychology of an inner wisdom is still often regarded as esoteric nonsense. The following diagram by C.W. Leadbeater, (Booklist No.5)   shows the channels of subtle chakra energy in relation to the human nervous system and may well prove helpful in future research. Although Leadbeater’s books appeared 100 years ago, to my knowledge no serious research has been done in this field but you can find related Google and Wikipedia articles in the appendix. However, since we know that correlation exists between chakras and the psyche via the body’s glandular system, the chakras can also be regarded as subtle glands  An acceptance of this fact is long overdue and it would be extremely helpful if this knowledge were to be researched as soon as possible. BUT there is HOPE  in the field of biophysics and biochemistry where the research into peptides, the “Molecules of Emotion” by Candace B. Pert (Booklist No.8) and other scientists are proving that body, mind and soul form an indivisible entity. This opens up a new vision of the immune-system and leads to a wider interpretation of health and illness. It also makes it clear how vital it is for the individual to embark on that inward journey to explore his or her own consciousness. It is not an easy task but the only way to reach a harmonic balance between our inner world and that of the everyday outer world.  
© Ingrid Benning 2024
  William Morris Angel from Cattistock Church