© Ingrid Benning 2024
CROWN  CHAKRA  –  Sahasrara Body Area The petals are at the top the head facing upwards and the stem    faces down into the central column Exoteric Colour   Violet Esoteric Colour White and gold Calming Fragrances Rosemary and Bergamot Stimulating Fragrances  Violet and Amber Material element  Magnetum Subtle body  Soul, or Ketheric body, or Causal body Gland Pituitary Astrological Sign Leo Planet Sun Psychological qualities Intuition, Intelligence of the heart, overcoming of duality, search for the secrets of birth, life, death and cosmic consciousness, Key words Soul, release, acceptance and surrender to the Higher Will, inspiration, insight Sound Mantra OM Affirmation “I am a being of light and consciousness” Prayer Through surrender and release, let the incoming will be truly the will of God working within us and through us. Only this can lead us increasingly to knowledge of mystical union and mystical marriage.