© Ingrid Benning 2024
ALTER  MAJOR  CHAKRA Body Area The petals are in the area of the nose. The positive energy centre is in its stem at the back where the head begins to bend. It corresponds with the ‘old’ or ‘lizard’ brain, before the division into right and left hemispheres.   Exoteric Colour Brown, Yellow Ochre Esoteric Colour   Olive Green Calming Fragrances Musk, Cedarwood Stimulating Fragrances Amber, Lavender Material element   Wet Earth Subtle body Instinctual and Lower Causal Sense Smell Gland Adrenals Astrological Sign Scorpio Planet Pluto Psychological qualities Awareness of instinctual consciousness, search for inner unity and overcoming duality Key words Instinct, resonance, release, duality, devic nature, healing   Affirmation “I trust my instinctual and devic nature” Prayer Through engagement with our ancient Devic Nature may we move from duality and split to oneness and unity. Resonance You will find information about the universal law of resonance in the appendix.