© Ingrid Benning 2024
The THIRD EYE  Body Area This vortex chakra is located in the auric field slightly above and away from the brow charka Colours   Silvery Blue, Indigo, Magenta Calming Fragrances Carnation, Poppy Stimulating Fragrances Jasmine, Sage Element Spiritual Fire Psychological qualities Acceptance of the fact that past, present and future are intrinsically linked and therefore they influence our vision and consciousness. Key words Beauty, justice, guardianship, transformation Prayer or Affirmation We commit ourselves to vision. In this commitment we acknowledge that the vision of the past empowers the vision of the present and that the vision of the present enables the vision of the future. In service of that vision we ask the gifts of beauty and justice so that the structures of our security may be flexible and renewable. In making gold from the dross of life and work experience, may we do so without despising the dross itself.