Maps of Consciousness
Of course there are various means by which to expand our
consciousness and many psychologists have developed diagrams with
which to explore who we are, where we come from and what sense
there may be in our personal life and that of the collective. Carl Gustav
Jung developed the Four Functions and Roberto Assaggioli (Booklist)
used an oval to represent the different levels of consciousness.
Astrology is another path by which to explore the journey to the Self
and it does form an important part of the Chakra system used in
Transpersonal Psychology. Here, the chakras are considered to be the
most complex map of consciousness because the detailed
interconnections of this energy system to the human organism illumine
many aspects and levels and are therefore an especially useful map
for the journey to the Higher Self.
One aim of this journey is to discover the self-healing powers we all
possess and in recognising what is harmful by way of bad eating and
living habits in unpleasant surroundings, we learn to take responsibility
for our own health and well-being. It should be seen as a journey which
can, even through an illness or a crisis, lead us to a new kind of
awareness. In the Chinese language the word crisis also means
chance. Seen as such, this journey can show us stage by stage what
it feels like to be whole and well. (App: Accept Healing Symbols)
Being whole encompasses also an understanding of spiritual insights,
like finding a deeper sense in living, being fulfilled and feeling well in
one’s own body and to accept it as it is. Even if this means to live with
an illness or some form of physical impairment, it is still possible to
enjoy life. In fact, the insight gained through this acceptance can often
lead to the true purpose in life and fulfillment.
© Ingrid Benning 2024