I hope that the break for introspection induced by the Corona pandemic is more

conducive to such new ideas and that 2023, our “Here and Now Time”, will be more

suitable and reach people with an open mind who are willing to expand their

consciousness. The texts on this website describe my personal experiences with the

colours and chakras in relation to some of my paintings. Reading them requires an element

of patience and presupposes the acceptance of a new world vision and the willingness to

participate in bringing it about. So, if you are interested, you can read on by clicking on


    More than 200 years ago, long before Albert Einstein surprised the world with his famous energy formular, William Blake wrote these lines: “If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is: infinite.“ These lines inspired the musicians of the group „The Moody Blues“ as well as many other people in the 1960s. It also made William Blake’s poem about soul energy very well known and remains a mystery to many people until this day, unless the wisdom contained within the colours of our chakras is recognised.


Man has no Body distinct from his Soul,

For that called Body is a portion of Soul,

Discerned by the (twelve) Senses,

The chief inlets of Soul in this Age.

Energy is the only Life.

And IS from the Body;

And Reason is the bound

Or outward circumference of Energy.

Energy is Eternal Delight. 

William Blake 1793 „The Marriage of Heaven and Helll“     next page
© Ingrid Benning 2023